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Integrated Statutory & Regulatory Framework for effective implementation of TOD & MMI in Bengaluru








Asian Development Bank


Transit Oriented Development (TOD), Multi-Modal Integration (MMI)


TOD and Urban Design / Mobility specialist - Team Leader & Coordinator

Project description 

The Government of Karnataka (GoK) is currently developing public mass transit systems for Bengaluru to enable a shift towards more sustainable modes. For this, Government of India (GoI) requested ADB for financial assistance for the construction of new  metro lines, phases 2A and 2B, with a total length of 56 km including 30 stations and three depots.

To meet these objectives, GoK requested Technical Assistance (TA) support from ADB for the i) preparation of urban development plans and implementation frameworks based on Transit- Oriented Development (TOD) principles, ii) creation of enabling infrastructure and institutional provisioning for seamless integration of different modes of public transport, iii) strengthening institutional structures and building capacities, and iv) formulating a communication strategy and participatory process for TOD implementation and urban mobility.

HTAU's role

As a sub-set of the preparatory activities to create the enabling eco-system for the effective on-ground implementation of TOD and make the planning process for sustainable mobility and development in Bengaluru demand-driven and evidence-based, HTAU led the creation of an enabling integrated statutory and regulatory framework for Bengaluru. This included:

  • Recommendations for enhancement to the Draft Revised Master Plan 2031

  • Support to BMRCL and DULT for the preparation of the Bengaluru TOD Policy (2022)

  • Support to DULT for the preparation of the Bengaluru Parking Policy (2020)

  • Support to DULT for the preparation of the Bengaluru Metropolitan Land Transport Authority (BMLTA) Act (2023)

  • Principles and framework for differential TOD Regulations • Framework for incentivizing plot amalgamation and redevelopment in brown field TODs

  • Framework for TOD Plan preparation and approvals.

Key outcomes

The project contributed to the preparation and adoption of the Bengaluru Parking Policy 2020, Bengaluru TOD Policy 2022, and the Bengaluru Metropolitan Land Transport Authority (BMLTA) Act 2023. 


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